february, 2025
“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”
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Have you ever felt that there is “something more”? Maybe you have a feeling urging you to achieve more, follow a dream, live your purpose? Or, maybe life is okay, but deep down you know it could be so much better.
I used to have that same feeling. Harvard Law School, a decade in corporate America, family and kids–I was non-stop busy, juggling work, a never ending “to do” list, and doing a lot. But, something still felt “off”. Does any of this sound familiar?
Each day we’re given a new set of 24 hours and so much possibility. There’s a different way to live that allows us to find all the meaning, fulfillment and success we’ve been hoping for.
How will you live each moment? Join me on the journey.
Have you ever felt there is “something more”? Maybe you have a feeling urging you to achieve more, follow a dream, find your purpose? Or, maybe life is okay, but deep down you know it could be so much better.
I used to have that same feeling. Harvard Law School, a decade in corporate America, family, and kids, kept me busy and feeling stretched. Although I was doing a lot, something still felt incomplete. Sound familiar?
Each day you’re given a new set of 24 hours and so much possibility. There’s a different way to live that allows us to find all the meaning, fulfillment and success we’ve been hoping for.
How will you live each moment? Join me on the journey.
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